Politics, Religion and Political Theology

eBook - Boston Studies in Philosophy, Religion and Public Life

Erschienen am 30.06.2017, Auflage: 1/2017
111,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9789402410822
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 0 S., 2.69 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


This new volume gives discursive shape to several key facets of the relationship among politics, theology and religious thought. Powerfully relevant to a wealth of further academic disciplines including history, law and the humanities, it sharpens the contours of our understanding in a live and evolving field. It charts the mechanisms by which, contrary to the avowed secularism of many of todays polities, theology and religion have often, and sometimes profoundly, shaped political discourse. By augmenting this broader analysis with a selection of authoritative papers focusing on the prominent sub-field of political theology, the anthology offsets a startling academic lacuna. Alongside focused analysis of subjects such as conscience, secularism and religious tolerance, the discussion of political theology examines the traditions critical moments, including developments during the post-World War I Weimar republic in Germany and the epistemological imprint the theory has left behindin works by political thinkers influenced by the three major monotheistic traditions.


Allen Speight (Ph.D., University of Chicago) is Associate Professor of Philosophy and Chair of the Department of Philosophy at Boston University. A recipient of Fulbright, DAAD and Berlin Prize Fellowships, he is the author ofHegel, Literature and the Problem of Agency (Cambridge University Press, 2001);The Philosophy of Hegel (McGill-Queen's University Press/Acumen, 2008) and of numerous articles on aesthetics and ethics in German idealism; he is also co-editor/translator (with Brady Bowman) ofHegels Heidelberg Writings (Cambridge University Press, 2009); and co-editor ofJustice, Responsibility and Reconciliation in the Wake of Conflict (Boston Studies in Philosophy, Religion and Public Life, 2013).

Michael Zank, a native of Germany, holds advanced degrees in Protestant Theology and Near Eastern and Judaic and Studies. He teaches religious studies and philosophy of religion at Boston University where he also servesas director of the Elie Wiesel Center for Jewish Studies. He is the author, most recently, ofJewish Philosophy of Religion as Mosaic Faith Apologetics(Tübingen 2016; in German) and ofJerusalem. A Brief History, forthcoming with Blackwell Publ.


Introduction.- I.  Authority, Conscience, Toleration, Secularism:  Theologico-Political Questions from the Tradition. -The Authority of Conscience in Early Modern England and New England:  A Reconsideration, D. Hall.- Hobbes And Locke On Toleration, S. Sreedhar.- The Secular, Secularizations, And Secularisms, J. Casanova.- From Augustine To Spinoza And Locke: Answering The Christian Case Against Religious Liberty, E. Curley.- Madison's Politics Of Religion Revisited, N. Feldman.- II.  The Question of Political Theology.- How To Read Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address, S.B. Smith.- World-Denial And World Redemption:  Franz Rosenzweigs Early Marcionism, B. Pollock.- Miracles In An Age Of Technological Reproducibility, B. Lazier.- The Anti-Trinitarian Sources Of Liberalism, M. Gillespie.- Confronting Spinozas Theologico-Political Treatise: Hermann Cohen Vs. Franz Rosenzweig, M. Bienenstock.- On Being A Mediocre Believer In An Age Of Extremities, C. Mathewes.- Jürgen Habermas And The Social Significance Of Religion, P. Gordon. - Political Theology And Biblical Atheism:  Revising The Schmitt-Strauss Debate In Weimar, J. McCormick.

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